Sodus Central School District

Web Page Guide




The Sodus Central School District has an official Board of Education approved Web Page. It is the goal of the district to include web pages designed by staff members, students and the community members on the District’s Web Page. It is expected that anyone wishing to post a web page:

• Complete a "Web Page Approval Form" for approval by your building Principal and the District Technology Coordinator.

• Obtain and read the Districts Web Site Policy.

• Visit the site for information on; copyright issues,

different kinds of pages, steps to follow when creating your web pages, evaluation rubrics for

web sites and other useful tips.

Things You Must Know...

All District web pages must have an objective that conforms to the District Web Policy as well as District educational goals and objectives. Documents on the District's server, as well as links to non-district servers, must reflect the standards for instructional resources/materials established in District policy and/or regulations. Web pages must also adhere to copyright laws.

The Sodus Central School District’s official Web Page is accessed from a BOCES Web Server. Our district has two Web Masters with rights to do the uploading. Therefore, all completed web pages must be saved on to a PC formatted disk and sent to the District Technology Coordinator. Your page will then be linked to the District’s Web Page and uploaded to the BOCES Web Server.

Web pages on the District's server are the property of the District. The web server will be examined periodically to check for the timeliness and relevance of its pages.

Links to non-district servers must contain a disclaimer indicating that the user is leaving the District server and that the linked material is not necessarily approved by the District. The Sodus Central School District retains the right to unlink any non-district Web Site at anytime without notification to the creator of that site.

Before You Get Started...

Due to the many different browsers being used today, your page may not look the same on all of them. To help control what your page will look like, always consider how users will see your page. It is recommended that you view your pages with a variety of web browsers when testing your page before you publish it on the Internet.

Planning is the key to a user friendly web page. Consider the following:

• Early in the design process, you should establish the purpose of your web page.

• Early in the design process, you should define your audience.

• To ensure that your web page is of high quality, test every link, keep your page current, check your

spelling, write well and ask others to test, proof and give you feedback about your page.

• Carefully consider the type, amount and size of images used on your page.


If you have any questions, please feel free to call the District Technology Coordinator, Jeff Lisanto at 483-5211.